13 Feb Newsletter No. 4
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
Psalm 19 begins: “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament (or sky above) proclaims His handiwork.” We have clear evidence set before us every day and every night that God is the Creator, and that this creation declares His glory.
You do not need great learning to look up and be amazed at God’s handiwork. We are told that the stars are enormous and that Space is vast! We are also told in Isaiah 40: 22 that God: “stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them out like a tent.”
John reminds us in John 1: 3 that Jesus made all things; reminding us that He is God the Son, and that nothing was made without Him. Paul in Colossians 1: 15-17 reiterates this truth, adding that “in Him all things consist (or hold together).”
What do you see when you look at the beauty and intricacy of the night sky? Do you see the haphazard aftermath of a primeval explosion when a lot of nothing formed into a lot of something? Do you see evidence that confirms a chance event from billions of years ago? Or, are you humbled whilst gazing at the handiwork of God, and become amazed at how glorious He is?
I am deeply saddened when atheistic scientists declare: there is no God when they see His handiwork all around them. I am even sadder when Christian believers compromise their faith by accepting the theories of this age. Good science requires the testing of ideas and theories to prove or deny their validity. If the evidence fits, the theory can be accepted, but if not, it should be rejected. We are told to search the scriptures, and to compare scripture with scripture, in order to avoid error. Scientists should apply the same principles to their research. If they compare science with science when reviewing theories about the beginning, they would realise that the only supportable claim is that God made everything!
Psalm 14: 1 begins: “The fool says in his heart, there is no God.” Sadly there are many fools around who deny the God of creation. Psalm 19 tells us; not just about the testimony of creation, but it also gives a sixfold commendation of God’s Word. It reminds us (verse 10): “More to be desired are they than gold.” We have the ‘gold standard’ of proof regarding the beginning, for God gives us the eye-witness account, and confirms what He says by what we can see.
The closing verse of Psalm 19 should be the prayer of each professing believer, and our desire should be to obey God rather than men. “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my Redeemer.”
Our planned meetings for the coming year are:

DVD: ‘Origin: Unlocking the Mystery of Life’
Friday 24th March 2017 at Silloth Evangelical Free Church (7.30 pm) and
Friday 31st March 2017 at Grace Evangelical Church, Carlisle (7.30 pm)
We are awaiting replies from proposed speakers for meetings later in the year. We will provide update information on these via the web site and by e-mail notification. Our proposed programme include the following:
- Speaker from Biblical Creation Society in May/June (possibly a geology theme)
- A theologian speaking on ‘Creation and New Creation’ in September/October
- Speaker from Creation